Terms & Conditions for Junior Membership and Cricket Courses
All of our membership packages and cricket camps are to be made through an online booking platform through our website.
It is the responsibility of each family to make note of the dates, timings and locations of practice sessions, matches and cricket camps.
Course Cancellation
If for any reason you are required to cancel a confirmed booking, you will need to provide 7 days notice prior to the start date in order to be eligible for a full refund.
If you have booked on to a course, which is longer then a week, i.e. 10 weeks term time or weekend courses and a selection of dates or pay per session is not available/option then you are then committing to the full course. We are unable to refund any individual dates and times that you can't make as all our resources will be committed to hall hire and our loyal team of coaches for the full course.
We are willing to give a full refund and offer the place to another customer as long as 7 days notice prior to the course start date has been provided.
Once the course has started, the only time a refund or alternative agreement can be made is if an injury has occurred on and ONLY on a BATH CRICKET CLUB course and has been logged in the accident book, which prevents any further participation within the specified course.
Refunds will not be given for circumstances beyond our control, i.e. Holidays, illness, injury outside of BATH CRICKET CLUB courses, or weather conditions beyond our control. (Exceptional circumstances will be reviewed i.e. death in the family)
If exceptional circumstances are accepted, refunds will be given.
If BATH CRICKET CLUB is required to cancel a full course then those booked will be given at least 7 days notice where possible. We will endeavor to offer alternative arrangements, or all monies can be refunded if requested.
IMPORTANT NOTES: fees will be refunded, less an Administration Fee of £10. This may take up to 30 days.
Adverse weather conditions
During 'Rain Stop Play' if the Indoor Cricket Centre is unavailable, we will keep players entertained with craft activities, quizes, games, cricket on TV and age appropriate films unitl it is safe to return to play
Whilst we do our very best to minimize risk please be aware as with any sport there be a risk of injury whether using a soft ball or a hard cricket ball.
Duty of Care
BATH CRICKET CLUB will take responsibility of pre-registered junior members and/or cricket camp attendees between the prescribed hours of practice or camp within the boundaries of the playing area (within the picket fence and/or indoor facility) until children are signed out by their registered parent/guardian.
Outside of the boundaries of time and space set by BATH CRICKET CLUB responsibility of all childrens safety including siblings and others not included in training/camp remains with parent’s/guardian’s or Carer.
Bowling Machines
BATH CRICKET CLUB coaches may have access to a Junior BOLA bowling machine, Pro BOLA bowling machine or BOLA Merlin andn Trueman bowling machine(s). Dependent on the skill and the type of session, bowling machines may or may not be used. All machines are PAT tested and are fit for purpose.
BATH CRICKET CLUB coaches will set the machine at a suitable speed, length and distance away appropriately for your child’s ability/age and to minimize the risk of injury throughout the session(s)
BATH CRICKET CLUB will put in place a safety net in front of machine; any participant who is not batting must stand behind the net when the bowling machine is in use.
Safety Briefing for students and parents
Your BATH CRICKET CLUB Coach will provide a safety briefing for students and parents (who wish to attend) this will session will explain net ball safety, bowling equipment, net etiquette, first aid, fire assembly procedures, pick up and drop off procedures, behavior expected in sessions, use of protective equipment and general house keeping. If parents are not able to stay for this briefing a link will be sent via email.
Please note, whilst we do our very best to minimize risk please be aware as with any sport there be a risk of injury weather using a soft ball or a hard cricket ball.
Our coaches’ Public Liability Insurance covers all children and adults on BATH CRICKET CLUB courses.
First Aid
In the event of an accident, first aid will only be administered to children/adult if the consent form question has been answered yes by BATH CRICKET CLUB Qualified Staff
The emergency services will be called if necessary, unless advised otherwise.
All essential medication e.g. Epipens, inhalers etc. must be handed into registration at the start of each day and all children should be able to self-medicate. Make sure appropriate sun cream is administered prior to coaching days when the weather is warm/hot together with additional supplies for self-application.
Medical information
Parents must make BATH CRICKET CLUB aware of any illnesses, disabilities or allergies that may affect the child when taking part in actitives. These can then be discussed with the Coach.
Food allergies
Parents must make BATH CRICKET CLUB aware of any food allergies prior to commencement of sessions. Approporate medication must be provided by the parent/guardian/carer if required
Settling In Policy
In the interest of the junior members and/or children attending BATH CRICKET CLUB camps we operate a settling in policy. If a child appears unhappy or distressed 45 minutes after arriving, the coach will contact his/her parent/carer to discuss the matter, which in exceptional circumstances may result in a request for collection.
Lost Property
Please ensure that children do not bring valuable toys or belongings, as BATH CRICKET CLUB cannot be held responsible if they go missing. We will try to return any items lost and kindly ask parents to label all items.
Left behind drinks bottles / lunch boxes will not be returned, due to health and safety
Transferring Between Sites
On occasions, at some of our venues there is a need to briefly walk between sites. This may mean walking across roads and/or along paths. Children will be supervised safely at all times.
Drop Off/Collection
Children are to be dropped off and collected from the registration area. Parents may collect their children from the playing areas if they wish, but must notify the coach of their intention beforehand.
Children will only be released to parents after they have been ticked off the register and have been allocated with the parent, carer or guardian. If someone other than the original parent/carer is collecting the child please tell registration at the start of the day.
Please tick the appropriate box on the online form or inform us in writing by email if you give full permission for you child/ren to walk home unaccompanied by an adult.
Please be prompt when collecting your child/ren. BATH CRICKET CLUB reserves the right to charge parents a late collection fee of £5 for every fifteen minutes or part thereof, commencing ten minutes after the advised collection time.
Occasionally we take photographs of children for promotional activities. If you do not wish for your child/ren to be photographed, please notify us beforehand on the booking form through the website.
Mobile Phones
Children are permitted to bring mobile phones with them to courses but only for the express purpose of making emergency calls to parents or guardians. At all other times they must remain switched off and safely stored within their bags.
Child Exclusion
In the interest of the coaching groups, BATH CRICKET CLUB reserves the right to exclude children who display disruptive or aggressive behaviour. On these very rare occasions no refund will be made for the remainder of the course and any costs incurred with the exclusion including transporting home will be the parent's responsibility. This exclusion also applies to bullying
Parent Feedback
BATH CRICKET CLUB aims to provide the best possible coaching for children and an excellent service to all parents. We value your feedback and will use it to develop and improve our services. We also encourage you to share any positive experiences of BATH CRICKET CLUB amongst family and friends.
Complaints Procedure
We are committed to providing a high quality service to all our schools, children and parents. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details.
What will happen next?
We will send you a letter/email acknowledging receipt of your complaint within three days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure.
We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally involve passing your complaint to our Operations or Managing Director, who will review your complaint and open an incident log.
Once we have completed our investigation into your complaint we will contact you by phone to advise you of this and the outcome within seven days.
We will then confirm in writing the outcome as outlined in our telephone conversation within 14 days of the original complaint.
Playing equipment
BATH CRICKET CLUB will NOT provide protective Helmets, protective boxes or other playing equipment for junior members to use during practice sessions, matches or cricket camps.
It is expected that all players who wish to play ‘Hard-ball’ cricket to provide their own equipment to participate in these activities.
“Under Section 3 of the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Act Regulations 1999 (as amended), you have a duty to conduct a detailed assessment of the risks presented to players with a view to controlling such risks. It also appears to me to be reasonably practicable for you to ensure that batsmen and wicket-keepers of all ages and competency wear suitable protective equipment, including head protection. In addition, such control measures should include the proximity of persons to the batsmen, with the exception of the bowler.”
All players under the age of 18 by law have to wear a cricket helmet on our Junior Cricket, Advanced Cricket & Adult hard ball courses, BATH CRICKET CLUB will check the helmet before the player bats to make sure it is fit for purpose.
BATH CRICKET CLUB reserves the right to refuse players batting or wicket keeping if the helmet is deemed unsafe for purpose.
If you require any advice please ask your BATH CRICKET CLUB coach who would be wiling to give you advice.
Pads and Gloves Approved batting pads and gloves are to be worn at all times on our Junior Cricket, Advanced Cricket and Adult Cricket Coaching Courses when batting or wicket keeping.
BATH CRICKET CLUB will check all of your kit before the session starts to make sure the pads and gloves are fit for purpose.
This must be worn at all times whilst batting or wicket keeping during our Junior Cricket, Advanced Cricket or Adult Cricket Coaching session/s for boys & men only, please note for girls and women this remains optional.
For health and safety reasons / hygiene purposes we will not supply a cricket box or cricket pants for children to borrow. All must bring and use their own and wear the correct underwear of box pants, batting shorts, jock strap to ensure the box is safe and secure.
We will also use the information you provide during registration to ensure that you are kept informed about events and information from the club.