Below are the fundamentals that underpin free play and fun at Bath Cricket Club
These are non-negotiables that we feell will help to create self-reliant and resilient players without concern for their beliefs or requirements as Junior members of Bath Cricket Club.
We have a zero tolerance policy for racism, homophobia, sexism or any other form of discrimination this includes using words in a derogatory manner, which will not at any point be excused as ‘banter’. This is to sustain the highest possible standards of behavior and respect in our club.
Bullying in any form will not be tolerated any concerns should be addressed in the first instance by the coach and or the child protection officer.
Let players carry their own kit to and from the dressing room and/or to their practice area.
There must never be a single adult on their own with children (two is acceptable). Additionally no children 14 years of age and above in same changing room as younger players
Please do not enter the changing room or the players’ area unless invited to do so by the coach.
Let the coach do their job: parents offering alternative advice will only confuse the players.
Please avoid criticizing a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning, children must feel comfortable taking risks.
Matters relating to team tactics are the sole responsibility of the coach and team captain. Players, parents or non-participants should not publicly criticize them.
The batting and bowling orders will be decided by the coach and captain (depending on age group), no one else. The coach will make decisions based on the specific guides of the age group/squad in question.
Judgements of players’ performances are the prerogative of the selectors. Shows of public disapproval by parents and spectators should not occur.
ALL matters relating to team and individual discipline on and off the field are the responsibility of the Head of Junior and community cricket and coaches. This includes players’ and parents’ behavior off the field and when travelling to and from matches.
In the case of a parent or player being involved in an incident related to the above or in any other matter
connected with the sportsmanlike conduct of the game, the player may be withdrawn forthwith from the game concerned and the match report will be considered by Bath Cricket Club
Any player may be withdrawn by the coach / manager from any match at any time and for any reason.
Young players need the support and encouragement of their parents. It is detrimental to their personal and cricketing development if they witness a parent or supporter publicly contradicting what they have been told by their coach, however unhappy the parent may be about any specific incident
Any requests for feedback are to come directly to Mark Watts – Head of junior and community cricket, via email (, who will speak to the applicable age group coach as and when it is necessary. Information will be fed back to the relevant parties in due course.
Any concerns or complaints should be brought to the attention of the Head of junior and community cricket and squad coach or Child Protection officer.
Selection into a summer squad does not guarantee that a player will play in every game, or play a full part in every game.
It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that managers and coaches are kept informed of player availability via their squad’s specific Spond group. It is the manager and coaches’ responsibility to select teams with 5 days notice (even If they don’t have a full side) and notify the whole squad.
Teams where possible will select twelve players for youth fixtures and players are expected to attend. During these fixtures the twelfth player will score (assisted by the coach/parent - developing all-round skills and knowledge of the game). Failure to attend and take their turn will result in de-selection from the squad until the role has been fulfilled.
Any squad player who is unavailable or not selected is more than welcome to show their support at fixtures.