Series of ‘Old Boy’ Fixtures

14 August 2024

Next Wednesday 21 August at 6pm we have our second ‘old boys’ T20, bringing players from previous generations back to North Parade to relive days gone by.

During the three-game series, we have dual charitable community aims:

Improve men’s mental health by raising awareness of loneliness – 8 million men (of all ages) in the UK feel lonely at least once a week – 3 million reporting that it is a daily occurrence – we want to use sport to counteract this and reengage with friends as players or spectators.

Secondly, to raise money through donations of players and spectators to help our club and it’s community coaches deliver more sessions to bring people of all ages together in and out of schools.

The first game raised £135 which can be put towards funding one of our coaches to become a mental health first-aider. We plan to start focusing on more groups outside of schools in the next year with help from funding and donations small and large.

For more information on our activities or to donate visit our community page

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