Former player scoops PCA Award

28 November 2023

Ex Bath, Somerset and Derbyshire county cricketer wins national award, to help take his upcycling and artwork business to the next level

Steve Griffiths wins PCA (Professional Cricketers Association) Futures Award for the

‘Business Impact’ category

Ex Bath, Derbyshire and Somerset county cricketer, Steve Griffiths has won a PCA Futures Award, which recognises PCA member’s future personal development away from the pitch. Griffiths won the ‘Business Impact Category’, providing him with £2,000 and expert advice from awards sponsor Lodders Solicitors of Cheltenham, to support his new upcycling and artwork business, called ‘ACHUB’ (from the Welsh ‘to save or to rescue’).

Steve, a passionate creative at heart, as well as having been a local primary school teacher for a number of years, has built a workshop in his garden in Radstock, made almost entirely from repurposed materials. Here, he has been working on a portfolio of upcycled furniture and large pieces of artwork, using recycled and unwanted materials.

The former professional wicketkeeper, who played alongside England internationals, Devon Malcolm, Phillip DeFreitas and Dominic Cork at Derbyshire, has already produced a number of bespoke upcycled pieces, alongside producing brightly coloured pop art portraits, landscapes and celebratory posters; all whilst promoting ecological thinking and championing a ‘rubbish-free world’.

The PCA Futures Awards are run in association with Lodders Solicitors, who hosted the finals at the award winning law firm’s Cheltenham office, on Tuesday 21 November. Following a thorough selection process by the PCA, a long list of candidates was whittled down to just seven finalists, including Griffiths, who presented his personal development progress to a judging panel, composed of PCA and Lodders staff.

On winning the PCA Futures Award, Steve Griffiths of ACHUB, said:

“It was fantastic to simply be involved, so to win, was incredibly rewarding and has given me the confidence to push forward with my new business. I feel very fortunate to be a member of the PCA and the work they do to support current and ex professional players is extraordinary. This financial support will go a long way to upgrading tools and investing in storage, whilst the business and marketing advice from Lodders will, I’m sure, be invaluable in building my future.”

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