Latest update

31 March 2020

Bath Cricket Club Update

We are very conscious that the current social and economic climate is causing a huge amount of uncertainty in many walks of life.
This time of year, we ordinarily would be both in full swing of pre-season training and looking eagerly towards the start of the cricket season as well as many other engagements and activities at the Cricket Club. We as a management team were looking forward to delivering a very exiting period both on and off the field. The current situation has meant we have had to ‘put on hold’ many of our strategies and announcements. However, to keep you as up to date with everything Bath Cricket club as possible we have listed below where we are with various things ‘top line’.


We have cancelled all Junior and Senior training until further notice. We stay in close contact with the appropriate governing bodies and will continue to take advice and respond to any changes that are taking place daily.


There remains a lot of unknown’s as to how the coming months will develop, we are in communication with and await imminent ECB Guidelines. As with so many other governing bodies and sporting activities we anticipate the amateur game following the same path as the professional game.


It is fairly certain from the below that there will be a delay of some kind. It would be counterproductive to speculate at this stage; we will update you as soon as we know more. Below is the most recent statement from the ECB which supports the club’s actions over the last few days. We will of course keep you all up to date when we know more about the upcoming season, its start date and its duration. Thank you for your patience.

ECB Statement


The Boundary and the clubhouse are closed until further notice. There will be members of staff in the office on an ad-hoc basis for essential business needs. The office team are working remotely wherever possible. All Hospitality events initiated by the Cricket Club or the Boundary have been postponed until further notice and all event bookings are being dealt with on a one to one basis with the individual clients.


Easter Cricket camps from the 6th to the 17th of April have been cancelled. All payments will be refunded in due course. We are looking into the fastest and most efficient way to do this. We will inform you all how and when this refund will be made as soon as we know more.


We had and will continue to work on car parking contingencies for the coming season, training and activities associated with the Cricket Club and Boundary. We had a strategy in place which has been affected by the current situation, specifically the flexibility of some external partners and stakeholders who offered solutions and alternatives to our car park. We are confident that this will be resolved in time and we will of course communicate a specific parking / drop off plan and directions when possible.


Junior and Senior membership remains open, we continue to print and plan all new training and playing kit bundles for the coming season and the next 3 years with our new headline sponsor Mckenzie & Co. Similarly, our grounds staff continue to work vigilantly on the playing facilities to ensure they are in perfect condition when the time comes to get back out on the field. We encourage you to continue to pay your membership in preparation for the start of the season. We will obviously be assessing the cost and value of the membership when we know more about the length and content of this coming season.


If you have not been to the Cricket Club over the past few months, we can tell you that all the required leases have been agreed as has planning for the car park development.  The project has started, and the old indoor school has been demolished.   Archaeological surveys have been completed without any findings and piling has begun over the last couple of weeks.  We do in time plan to offer a presentation of what the development means not only in terms of the new state of the art indoor school which will be one of the outcomes of this project but also future development plans and investment in the facilities at North Parade.  All of which would not be possible without this initiative.  We know that facilities are the driving force behind the growth and sustainability of sport and especially cricket and this is always front of mind.

Finally, from everyone at Bath Cricket Club please stay safe and look after yourselves and your loved ones.  It is at times like these that a community like Bath Cricket Club is here to support you all.  Please stay in touch and use your player and members forums to stay in touch with each other and us at the Club.

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