Bath Cricket Club pays special attention to Child Welfare and adopts a separate and dedicated administrative and implementation structure which is linked to and consistent with the overall Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy and Guidelines.
Policy Statement
Bath Cricket Club is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for young people whilst playing and practising cricket or participating in other organised activities.
The club does this by:
- Accepting a “duty of care” responsibility for the safety and welfare of young people
- Insisting that all published health and safety rules / guidelines are implemented
- Recognising that all young people have the right to freedom from abuse
- Ensuring that all volunteers and professional staff are carefully selected and accept responsibility for the safety and welfare of, and helping to prevent the abuse of, young people in their care.
- Responding promptly and appropriately to safety issues and all suspicions of abuse whilst providing the opportunity for parents and young people to voice any concerns.
- Appointing a Child Welfare Officer to take specific responsibility for child safety and welfare and to act as the main point of contact for parents, young people and outside agencies.
- Ensuring that access to confidential information is restricted to the Child Welfare Officer or the appropriate external authorities.
- Regular reviews of the effectiveness of the Child Welfare Policy and activities by the club’s Management Committee.
Child Protection Officer
The appointed person is: Mark Watts
Professional Contacts
Brian Hoyle, Somerset Cricket Foundation, Welfare Officer
ECB safuguarding team, 020 7432 1200,
Avon & Somerset Constabulary Child Protection Team, The Police Station, Bath
Hill, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1HJ. Tel. 0117 9454736
B&NES Social Services Dept., 7 North Parade Buildings, Bath BA1 1NY.
Tel. 01225 396313 / 396314 or out-of-hours emergency duty team on 01454 615165
Information for Parents of Youth Players
The responsibility for transport to and from all games / training rests with parents / carers. The club / coach / manager can take no responsibility for organising this transport.
Please ensure that you supply your child with adequate drinks and sunscreen. The coach / manager will ensure that they receive sufficient opportunity to drink / apply.
Please do not put undue pressure on your child to perform / achieve. Bath CC puts the welfare of young people before winning or achieving goals.
Inform Bath CC immediately of any changes to your contact numbers, medical details, etc. It is crucial that this record is up to date and accurate.
Ensure that you inform the coach / manager if your child is suffering from any injuries. Bath CC does not want young people to play when not 100% fit.
Do not interfere with the coaching of your child (unless specifically asked to be involved.) Bath CC recommends watching “from a distance” but we suggest that having spectators in the indoor school is unsafe and can hamper efficient coaching.
Please familiarise yourselves and abide by the “Code of Conduct” for both players and parents. It is also necessary to understand the “Disciplinary Procedure” although we hope never to have to use it.
Bath Cricket Club is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for young people whilst playing and practising cricket or participating in other organised activities. All of our policies and practises are guided by the following documents:
“SAFE HANDS”; The ECB Welfare of Young People in Cricket Policy
Download Bath Cricket Club Child Welfare Policy
Somerset Constabulary