Easter 2025 - MULTI-ACTIVITY camp
For school children in years rec (age 5) - 6(age 11)
To help out parents manage the balance of childcare and work during the school holidays
We have an indoor sports centre so no matter the weather we'll be able to continue with the fun and games
Time: 9-3pm (lunch between & free play for All Day players - 12-1pm - BRING A PACKED LUNCH AND SNACKS)
£5 for hot lunch!!! - All meals are Vegetarian and will inlcude a drink + healthy snack
Monday - Bolognese 7th April
Tuesday - Jacket Potato 8th / 15th April
Wedsnesday - Pasta Bake 9th / 16th April
Thursday - Pizza 10th / 17th April
Mulit-sports activities e.g., Dodgeball, Kick-Rounders, Capture the flag, Infinity tag and much much more! We might even break out the cricket bats and balls....!
Art and Crafts every morning
Games and competitions
Escape Room Challenge
Tuck Shop open at Lunchtime - 50p sweet pots and more
Dates: Tuesday 2nd - Friday 12th April
Location: Bath Cricket Club, North Parade Bridge Road, BA2 4EX
For all other enquiries contact Mark.Watts@bathcricket.com or call 01225 425935
We are constantly looking for new ways to support as many groups as we can and are always open to suggestions. Of course this requires some help from our generous sponsors and commercial partners to get all of our activities up and running.
However every little helps and if you would like to a make donation you can start from £1.50 up to £20 below or alternatively you can make larger donations here
All donations received will be ringfenced for Community based acitvities.
A list of our current activities and their cost can be found here